You are currently viewing On Our History:  June 7, 1924:  Weston Masonic Temple Cornerstone Dedication
The corner stone was laid on June 7, 1924 by M.W. Bro. F.W. Harcourt, Past Grand Master who officiated at its dedication.

On Our History: June 7, 1924: Weston Masonic Temple Cornerstone Dedication

Large crowd of guests and residents who attended the laying of the Cornerstone

As part of Humber Lodge’s 150 Anniversary taking place in 2024, we will be sharing excerpts from historical documents and photos from the archives.

On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Humber Lodge on Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Weston, an Especial Communication of the Grand Lodge of Canada, in the Province of Ontario, was held in the Town of Weston on Saturday, the Seventh day of June, A.D. 1924, A.L. 5924. There were present the following Grand Lodge Officers:

  • M.W. Bro. F.W. Harcourt as Grand Master
  • V.W. Bro. K. J. Dunstan as Deputy Grand Master
  • R.W. Bro. H. G. French Grand Senior Warden
  • R.W. Bro. W. F. Montague Grand Junior Warden
  • R.W. Bro. G. H. Purchase as Grand Chaplain
  • R.W. Bro. A. J. Anderson as Grand Treasurer
  • R.W. Bro. W. M. Logan Grand Secretary
  • W. Bro. W. L. Abernethy as Grand Senior Deacon
  • W. Bro. G. C Kirby as Grand Junior Deacon
  • V. W. Bro. W. J. Wadsworth as Grand Director of Ceremonies
  • V. W. Bro. D. H. Burritt, Grand Superintendent of Works
  • V. W. Bro. E. Y. Barraclough Grand Pursuivant
  • V.W. Bro. W. J. Attig as Assistant Grand Secretary

The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form at the Oddfellows Hall on Church Street at 4.30 o’clock P.M. by the M.W., the Acting Grand Master, who announced that this Especial Communication of Grand Lodge had been called to assist him in laying the Corner Stone of the Weston Masonic Temple.

The brethren acting as Grand Lodge officers, having received the necessary directions, Grand Lodge was called off when a procession was formed under the direction of the Grand Director of Ceremonies and marched from the Oddfellows Hall to the site on Main Street (now Weston Road) in the prescribed order, taking up their proper position at the northeast corner of the building.

The acting Grand Chaplain then invoked a blessing, and the acting Grand Superintendent of Works read a ceremonial scroll which was then deposited in the cavity of the cornerstone.

The corner stone was laid on June 7, 1924 by M.W. Bro. F.W. Harcourt, Past Grand Master who officiated at its dedication.
Original Cornerstone of Weston Masonic Temple

Almost 100 years to the date, on June 8, 2024, at 11 am, the Freemasons of Weston will be an unveiling of a monument commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Humber Lodge and the 100th Anniversary of the Weston Masonic Temple.  The public is invited to attend this traditional landmark dedication ceremony.  We will welcoming M.W. Bro. Thomas Wallace Hogeboom,  the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, who will be officiating at the dedication.