As part of Humber Lodge’s 150 Anniversary taking place in 2024, we will be sharing excerpts from historical documents and photos from the archives.
In April of 1921, the town of Weston and Humber Lodge mourned the passing of Edward Eagle at the age of 76. Eagle, whose family owned and operated the Eagle House hotel, was a cornerstone of the community and of the lodge. When Humber Lodge was founded in 1874, their first few years were spent at the Eagle House for their lodge meetings before moving their meetings to the Oddfellows Hall, and finally to their current home at the Weston Masonic Temple on Weston Road.
Below is his obituary which was published in the Weston Times & Guide on April 12, 1921:

On April 8 the members of Humber Lodge were called upon to attend the funeral of the late Worshipful Brother Edward Eagle. Here is a copy of the summons which was issued by the lodge secretary: