Happy Winter Solstice!

We wish everyone a blessed Winter Solstice!

As the Winter Solstice marks a special moment in our journey around the sun, let us all take a moment to reflect on the beauty and wonder of nature’s cycles.

May this solstice bring light into your life, warming your heart and illuminating your path. Let it be a time of renewal and hope, a reminder of the continuous flow of change and the enduring beauty of the world around us. May peace, love, and joy be your day.


Here’s a short education piece that provides some insight into the importance of the Winter Solstice:


St. John’s Day, celebrated on December 27th, is often linked to the winter solstice due to its proximity to the astronomical event. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, typically occurring around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. St. John’s Day holds cultural and religious significance in various traditions, and its connection to the winter solstice is rooted in both historical and symbolic elements.

In Christian traditions, St. John the Evangelist is associated with this day. The feast day honors the biblical figure John, one of the twelve apostles and the author of the Gospel of John. The proximity of St. John’s Day to the winter solstice has led to symbolic parallels between light and darkness, reflecting the themes of spiritual enlightenment and the triumph of light over darkness in Christian symbolism.

In pre-Christian and pagan traditions, the winter solstice was a time of celebration and rituals centered around the rebirth of the sun. The gradual lengthening of daylight following the solstice was seen as a symbol of hope and renewal. St. John’s Day became intertwined with these ancient customs, with some suggesting that the Christian celebration was strategically placed to coincide with existing solstice festivities, making the transition to Christianity more seamless for converts.

Various cultures around the world observe St. John’s Day with unique customs and rituals, often involving bonfires, processions, and the lighting of candles. These practices symbolize the triumph of light over darkness, drawing connections between the Christian celebration and the astronomical event of the winter solstice.

In summary, the connection between St. John and the winter solstice is a fascinating interplay of religious observance and ancient traditions. Whether viewed through the lens of Christian symbolism or the cultural practices rooted in the solstice, St. John’s Day serves as a bridge between different historical and spiritual elements, creating a rich tapestry of meaning and celebration.



Happy Solstice to one and all!